International Students

학사 - AcademicsKorean

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Academic Support

Education Center for International Students

Academic Guidance Meeting

A program providing academic and campus life advising, as well as opportunities to communicate with senior international students.
Some of the meetings can be held during lecture time of requisite courses for international students.

‘Studying&Mentoring with Friends’ (SMF) Program

Focused 1:1 or 2:1 academic mentoring services for international students experiencing difficulties in their studies.
Mentors matched to mentees based on their major and language, will help improve academic capabilities throughout the semester.

Global Albatross Self-designed Roadmap Competition

A student participation contest where international students design their own four-year curricula, including general, major courses, extracurricular activities, and external programs.

Academic Advising and Consultation

Academic advising is available by appointment for any questions or difficulties related to studies.

Center for Teaching & Learning

Global Tutoring Program

A program where students can apply for tutoring in specific courses, allowing tutors and tutees to study together and assist each other in learning.

Sogang Center for Writing

Writing Tutoring Program

A tutoring program on a selected piece of writing, either in-person or online, in English or Korean, covering various types of writing such as presentations, book reports, research papers, and essays.